Celebrating Tamera’s 30th birthday
Vision & Mission
To support a global system change from war to peace, from exploitation to cooperation, from fear to trust, by building Healing Biotopes: research centers that model a nonviolent culture.
Tamera empowers people around the world to build a regenerative nonviolent culture by:
Exploring the ethical, social, sexual, ecological, technological and economic foundations of a peace culture
Training those committed to inner and outer peace work and creating community-based alternatives
Building a planetary community rooted in mutual support and collaborating for a future without war
“There is the world that we create,
and there is the world that has created us.
These two worlds must come together.
This is the goal of our journey.”
DIETER DUHM, co-founder
Online Courses
Join our interactive learning adventures from wherever you are.
Our course, ‘Rainwater Management’, provides a solid foundation in the basic principles of rainwater retention against floods and droughts.
Sixty people gathered in both Berlin and Tamera to support the new peace movement “Women in White,” calling for an end to violence in Israel-Palestine through nonviolence and prayer.
Uri Ayalon, September 26 2024
Healing of Love
Freeing love and sexuality from fear
Community Building
Building social structures that help us move from fear to trust
Children and Youth
Learning & growing up in trust
Spirituality, Art and Healing
Connecting with the original source of all beings
A new relation to nature, from exploitation to cooperation
Cooperation With all Beings
Healing our relation to nature with conscious communication
Energy Technology
Decentralized energy autonomy for a regenerative future
Get Involved
Join our online courses and community
Donate once, regularly, or for a project
Join our weekly sunrise mediation