“Women in White” – Silent Peace Actions in Berlin and Tamera

On August 28, the first public actions in support of the new peace project “Women in White” took place in both Berlin and Tamera. The movement, jointly initiated by Aida Al-Shibli (Tamera) and Miki Kashtan (NGL), stands for the unconditional pursuit of non-violent solutions: “End war—live peace.”

By Uri Ayalon, September 26 2024

In Berlin, sixty people, mostly women, gathered over two afternoons led by Aida Al-Shibli and Sabine Lichtenfels. The first day focused on inner preparation, while the second day involved a silent presence at the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin for meditation and prayer to end all violence in Israel-Palestine. One of the mottos of the event was “NEVER AGAIN,” a powerful reminder of the millions of Jews murdered while so many Germans claimed they “didn’t know” and a moral commitment to speak up against oppression and atrocities that we witness today.

Here is a quote from the statement Sabine wrote for the event:

We are in the process of awakening from our unconscious, collective, traumatic narrative of a millennia-old history of war—a horror film that currently dictates the war events on this earth and leads to ever greater human catastrophes. If we saw with open hearts what is happening right now in Palestine and Israel, we would be willing to abandon all our habits if we knew how to end the war. We are ready to change our own lives to find a way to help. As long as we humans believe we can end wars by killing our enemies, all wars will continue.

 The presence of sixty people marching in silence created a profound atmosphere of attentiveness, with many passersby joining spontaneously. It became clear that to create a field of nonviolence, we need the participation of many. We thank all who took part in this action and look forward to supporting the growth of this new movement for peace.

In parallel, in Tamera, sixty people gathered to join the prayer for nonviolent solutions. After a brief pilgrimage to our Oracle Source, the group ended in the stone circle, dancing to the powerful song “One Billion Rising.” Together, we call for peace, an end to war, and a commitment to nonviolence. For more photos from these two events check our Facebook or Instagram and watch this beautiful video documenting the 2 events:
