Join our Support Circle

Thanks to your donation, we’ll be able to sustain and further develop Tamera as an emerging Healing Biotope in service to a new global culture. Covering our basic needs will allow us to deepen our research, expand our education program and grow our global network.

The Support Circle is part of a growing network of people that has formed around Tamera in the past years. We invite you to help us crowdsource the funds needed to conduct our research on system change towards a regenerative culture.

Internally, our community largely runs on a gift economy. Everyone in Tamera voluntarily contributes their work and knowledge, and we tend to each other’s needs, without monetizing their value. In return, the community covers the living costs of its members, to the best of its abilities. Nevertheless, we still largely rely on the capitalist system when we interact with the world around us. To further embody our vision, we’re currently exploring how to expand the gifting paradigm to our interaction with visitors, students, partners and society at large: an economy in which we offer our knowledge and experience freely, trusting that our needs will be met in return. In that spirit, your regular contributions will enable us to maintain and develop Tamera.

We invite you to help us continue our research work on a regenerative culture by donating towards our community budget. We need about 100,000 euros a month to cover our costs: salary costs for external expertise (25K), individual needs of community members (23K), food (19K), infrastructure & utilities (17K), plus unforeseen costs like birth, death, and medical expenses.

Our Offer

The Support Circle is more than just a monthly donation. To express our gratitude, we wish to give back to you and provide a way for you to be intimately connected with our vision and practical experiences of developing a Healing Biotope. We offer all supporters to be in continuous, close exchange with us and the other supporters from around the world. Our exclusive offers for Support Circle members include regular updates from Tamera and monthly video calls (in English and German).

Join Now

You can donate from all over the world – every amount helps. Tax deduction receipts are available for payments from Portugal, Germany, the US and Switzerland.

If you prefer to make an annual donation, please click here.

In case you prefer to make a monthly donation, click on one of the following amounts:


All of the donation options can be customized on the stripe payment page!
You can change the Qty to change the total amount.

Help Us Spread the Word

You can also help us by inviting your friends and network to join the Support Circle. You can send them our invitation letter, available in the following languages:
English, Portuguese, German & French.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us via: supportcircle (at)

We thank you in advance for your support!