Peace meditation for the Middle East
on December 22nd
Dear friends
Winter Solstice and New Year’s Eve are just around the corner. This is the time of the birth of light, of hope, joy and compassion.
In Bethlehem, all public celebrations and events for the holidays have been canceled this year. This is all too understandable, because for the people of Palestine-Israel, this is not a time of peace and hope.
We too cannot wish them and you “Merry Christmas” from the bottom of our hearts. We are too busy with the question: what is true peace in these times of global war? What can we do to bring about a lasting ceasefire – in Gaza, Ukraine and other war zones around the world?
We call for and invite you to a special kind of meditation during winter solstice, December 22nd from 4 – 5 pm CET. Please also invite your friends and networks.
Sabine Lichtenfels & Monika Alleweldt, December 20 2023

At this time, peace workers from Tamera’s international network will go to power places in different countries on several continents to connect as deeply as possible with the question: What can be our contribution to ending the war in the Middle East? How do we build true peace power ?
We want to activate a power in ourselves and in the world that is higher than all violence. No one can do this on their own. But if we together connect with universal helping forces we can. If we succeed in establishing this connection, we can receive ideas and images for a global action that we alone might not come up with. We could gain confidence and power to act. And above all: miracles could happen.
The inspiration for this action came from Dieter Duhm’s statement on the war in Israel-Palestine “Middle East – Ending a desperate war“:
War is a global problem. By political means we can pacify a war temporarily, but not resolve it for good. If we want to prevent wars forever, we need a concept that is based on a different level of thinking.
How is it that after thousand years of war, birds are still chirping, children are still playing and lovers are still in seventh heaven? Something intact in life seems to have survived through all the torments and dead ends of history. It is the matrix of life itself. This Matrix is the original, trans-historical, non-alienated, cosmic, and divine matrix of universal life. We can never leave it entirely, for we are born of it.
Despite all the resignation and despair triggered by the escalation of violence in Israel-Palestine, there is still this “sacred matrix of life” that Dieter Duhm describes so impressively, this level of reality on which our faith is constantly rekindled and from which a force of peace can grow that is stronger than all violence.
Dhyani Ywahoo describes it at one point like this:
“Our elders speak as if we can stop the bombs from exploding. Over the years I have come to realize that this is true.”
Thank you for taking time to tune in at the same time as the international group – at 4pm CET – going into stillness to connect with the light and the ever-present power of peace. Together we will weave an energetic fabric on which the “download” could succeed.
Perhaps an action will emerge from this, perhaps we will witness a miracle in the Middle East. You can read about it from beginning of January on
We would like to thank everyone who is helping to bring about this possible miracle and wish you a peaceful holiday season!
Sabine Lichtenfels and Monika Alleweldt
for the Tamera Community
If you are inspired by Tamera and our peace work please join our support circle. Every regular contribution helps us to develop Tamera into a healing biotope to break the chain of violence. As a supporter, you will be invited to regular Zoom calls with our co-workers. May 2024 be a year where we shift from abundant funding for war to abundant funding for peace work.