Join the Ring of Power – Our Weekly Meditation for Peace Workers and Sacred Activists
Initiated by our co-founder Sabine Lichtenfels, the “Ring of Power” is a weekly sunrise meditation that connects peaceworkers and sacred activists from around the world in shared intention and prayer. Helping us to ground our peacework in a spiritual source, the Ring of Power is a common ritual we celebrate in Tamera and our global network every Monday morning. This is an invitation to all those who know that political action and spiritual research belong together.
Our Weekly Meditation for Peace workers and Sacred Activists
Throughout history, people of many cultures have honored the sacred moment of sunrise in special rituals. Reconnecting with this primordial tradition, Sabine Lichtenfels initiated the “Ring of Power” in 2002. Since then, she has held a sunrise meditation every Monday morning – and invites people from all over the world to do the same at their places. In every moment, the sun is rising somewhere on Earth. The vision of the Ring of Power is that a planetary community will take care of the continuity of prayer with the rising sun around the globe.
In this simple yet profound ritual, we visit special places in nature to greet the sunrise, connect to the energies of universal love and ask for guidance in our work toward global healing. The thoughts and messages we receive in the meditation inform our actions in the new week, serving as inner orientation for our sacred activism.
Since early 2016, we’ve been choosing a shared question every week on which to focus our meditation. And every Monday morning, Sabine receives and records a message from her meditation, offering answers to the respective question. (We change the issues and sometimes also the form of the Ring of Power from time to time. We will always inform the participants.)

Watch the Latest Video Message from Sabine Lichtenfels
To see all her recent messages, please go to our YouTube channel.
How You Can Join
You can participate simply by holding a sunrise meditation on Monday morning. You can join wherever you are.
To receive both our shared question for the meditation, on each weekend before, and Sabine’s video message each Monday, sign up here.
If you use Facebook and want to share your experiences during the Ring of Power with others engaged in this spiritual research, please join this Facebook group.
We invite you to support us with a donation for receiving Sabine’s messages. Your financial contribution will help us to cover our costs and, if there is surplus, to design sacred sites and power places for prayer and meditation in Tamera. Thank you in advance!
By holding the Ring of Power continuously, you can use it to research how prayer functions – effecting the change we want to see in the world by developing your vision and learning to consciously cooperate with the universal powers of life. By joining deeply you will find yourself entering an adventure of consciousness, bearing witness to how thoughts create reality. You will learn to use the meditation as a way to connect to thoughts that generate peace within and around you.