Em Tamera, trabalhamos consistentemente com diversos textos fundamentais. Recomendamos que se familiarize com alguma da nossa literatura essencial, antes de se deslocar a Tamera para um dos nossos cursos.
Literatura Essencial
Literatura com Que Trabalhamos
- Alexandersson, Olof. “Living Water: Viktor Schauberger and the Secrets of Natural Energy.” Gateway, 1990.
- Bach, Richard. “Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah.” Bantam, 1989.
- Barlow, Maude, e Tony Clarke. “Ouro Azul: Como as Grandes Corporações Estão se Apoderando da Água Doce no Planeta.” M.Books, 2003.
- Bloch, Ernst. “O Princípio Esperança.” Contraponto, 2005.
- Bohm, David. “Wholeness and the Implicate Order.” Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981.
- Boone, J. Allen. “Kinship with All Life.” HarperOne, 1976.
- Briggs, John, e F. David Peat. “Turbulent Mirror: An Illustrated Guide to Chaos Theory and the Science of Wholeness.” Harper & Row, 1989.
- Caddy, Peter. “In Perfect Timing: The Autobiography of Findhorn Co-Founder Peter Caddy.” Findhorn, 1997.
- Chardin, Pierre Teilhard De, Julian Huxley, and Bernard Wall. “The Phenomenon of Man.” Harper, 1959.
- Coats, Callum. “Living Energies: Viktor Schauberger’s Brilliant Insight into the Workings of Natural Energy.” Gateway, 1995.
- Duhm, Dieter. “Towards a New Culture: from Refusal to Re-Creation.” Verlag Meiga, 2011.
- Duhm, Dieter. “Future Without War: Theory of Global Healing.” Verlag Meiga, 2007.
- Dregger, Leila. “Tamera: Um Modelo para o Futuro.” Verlag Meiga, 2010.
- Eisenstein, Charles. “Sacred Economics: Money, Gift, & Society in the Age of Transition.” Evolver Editions, 2011.
- Eisler, Riane. “O Cálice e a Espada: A Nossa História, O Nosso Futuro.” Via Optima, 2004.
- Estés, Clarissa Pinkola. “Mulheres que Correm com os Lobos: Mitos e Histórias do Arquétipo da Mulher Selvagem.” Marcador, 2016.
- Fukuoka, Masanobu, e Larry Korn. “Sowing Seeds in the Desert: Natural Farming, Global Restoration, and Ultimate Food Security.” Chelsea Green Publishing, 2012.
- Geusen, Madjana (ed.) e Duhm, Dieter. “Man’s Holy Grail is Woman: Paintings, Drawings and Texts.” Verlag Meiga, 2006.
- Herrigel, Eugen. “Zen e a Arte do Tiro com Arco.” Assírio & Alvim, 1997.
- Hill, Julia Butterfly. “The Legacy of Luna: The Story of a Tree, a Woman, and the Struggle to Save the Redwoods.” HarperOne, 2001.
- Hillesum, Etty, e Martin Steingesser. “The Thinking Heart: The Life & Loves of Etty Hillesum.” Deerbrook Editions, 2012.
- Holzer, Sepp, e Leila Dregger. “Desert or Paradise: Restoring Endangered Landscapes Using Water Management, including Lake and Pond Construction.” Chelsea Green, 2012.
- Ryan, Christopher, e Cacilda Jethá. “Sex at Dawn: The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality.” Harper, 2010.
- Kravčík, Michal. “Water for the Recovery of the Climate: A New Water Paradigm.” TypoPress, 2008. (download gratuito)
- Lancaster, Brad, e Joe Marshall. “Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond.” Rainsource, 2008.
- Lash, John Lamb. “Not in His Image: Gnostic Vision, Sacred Ecology, and the Future of Belief.” Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 2006.
- Lauterwasser, Alexander. “Water Sound Images: The Creative Music of the Universe.” MACROmedia Publishing, 2007.
- Leonard, George. “The Silent Pulse: A Search for the Perfect Rhythm that Exists in Each of Us”. Gibbs Smith, 2006.
- Levy, Paul. “Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil.” North Atlantic Books , 2013.
- Lichtenfels, Sabine. “Sources of Love and Peace.” Verlag Meiga, 2004.
- Lichtenfels, Sabine. “Temple of Love: A Journey into the Age of Sensual Fulfilment.” Meiga, 2011.
- Liedloff, Jean. “The Continuum Concept: In Search Of Happiness Lost.” Da Capo Press, 1986.
- Lovelock, James. “Gaia: Um Novo Olhar sobre a Vida na Terra.” Edições 70, 2007.
- Lushwala, Arkan. “The Time of the Black Jaguar: An Offering of Indigenous Wisdom for the Continuity of Life on Earth.” Arkan Lushwala, 2012.
- Lusseyran, Jacques. “Memórias de Vida e Luz: A autobiografia de um herói cego da Resistência Francesa.” Atroposófica, 2005.
- Lusseyran, Jacques. “Contra a Poluição do Eu” LUAAMA, 2003.
- Mander, Jerry, e Edward Goldsmith. “The Case Against the Global Economy: And for a Turn Toward the Local.” Sierra Club Books, 1996.
- Margulis, Lynn. “O Planeta Simbiótico: Uma nova perspectiva da evolução.” ROCCO, 2001.
- Miller, Alice. “Breaking down the Wall of Silence: The Liberating Experience of Facing Painful Truth.” Dutton, 1991.
- Miller, Alice. “For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Child-rearing and the Roots of Violence.” Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1983.
- Moorjani, Anita. “’Morri’ Para Renascer: Minha Jornada Através do Câncer, Uma Experiência de Quase Morte e a Descoberta da Verdadeira Cura.” Pensamento, 2014.
- Mulford, Prentice. “Thoughts Are Things.” Wilder Publications, 2007.
- Paz, Peregrina de. “Passos em Direção à Paz Interior: Princípios Harmoniosos para a Vida Humana.” (download gratuito:, 2012.
- Reich, Wilhelm. “Psicologia de Massas do Fascismo.” Martim Fontes, 2001.
- Reich, Wilhelm. “O Assassinato de Cristo.” Martim Fontes, 1999.
- Satprem. “On the Way to Supermanhood: Essay of Experimental Evolution.” Mira Aditi, 2002.
- Satprem, e Frédéric De. Towarnicki. “My Burning Heart.” Institute for Evolutionary Research, 1989.
- Savory, Allan, Jody Butterfield, e Sam Bingham. “Holistic Management Handbook: Healthy Land, Healthy Profits.” Island, 2006.
- Schauberger, Viktor, e Callum Coats. “Nature as Teacher: New Principles in the Working of Nature.” Gateway, 1998.
- Schwenk, Theodor. “Sensitive Chaos: The Creation of Flowing Forms in Water and Air.” Schocken, 1976.
- Sheldrake, Rupert. “Uma Nova Ciência da Vida.” Editora Cultrix, 2014.
- Talbot, Michael. “O Universo Holográfico.” Bestseller, 1991.
- Tarnas, Richard. “A Epopeia do Pensamento Ocidental.” Bertrand Brasil, 1999.
- Thomas, Claude A. “At Hell’s Gate: A Soldier’s Journey from War to Peace.” Shambhala, 2004.
- Yeomans, Ken B., e P. A. Yeomans. “Water for Every Farm: Yeomans Keyline Plan.” Keyline Designs, 1993.
- Ywahoo, Dhyani, e Barbara Du Bois. “Voices of Our Ancestors: Cherokee Teachings from the Wisdom Fire.” Shambhala, 1987.