Com o seu apoio, poderemos focar-nos mais intensamente na investigação, expandir o nosso programa de educação, ajudar organizações com objectivos semelhantes e criar outros Biótopos de Cura. Agradecemos desde já pelo seu donativo!
O Seu Donativo
Pode fazer um donativo a partir de qualquer lugar – qualquer quantia ajuda. Disponibilizamos recibos para dedução fiscal para pagamentos feitos a partir de qualquer país da União Europeia e a partir da Suíça.
Tax Deduction Information
- Click an amount in the row of buttons above
- Please fill out the form (using a German address)
- Choose “Yes” for “I need a tax deduction receipt”
- Submit the form
- Click an amount in the row of buttons above
- Please fill out the form (using a Portuguese address)
- Choose “Yes” for “I need a tax deductible receipt”
- Submit the form
- Click an amount in the row of buttons above
- Please fill out the form (using a Swiss Address)
- Chose “Yes“ for “I need a tax deduction receipt”
- You must chose “bank transfer” if you need a Swiss tax deduction receipt
- Submit the form
- Make a bank transfer to the following Swiss bank account.
(Again, we can only provide a tax deductible receipt if you send the money to this account!)
Stiftung Freie Gemeinschaftsbank Basel
Freie Gemeinschaftsbank Basel
Kontonummer/NIB: 28.220.315
BLZ: 8392 Postscheck Basel: 40-963-0
IBAN: CH2608392000028220315
Vermerk: Donation Tamera
At the end of the year the bank (FGB) will automatically send you a donation receipt (Spendenbescheinigung).
United States
- Click an amount in the row of buttons above
- Please fill out the form (using a US address)
- Choose “Yes” for “I need a tax deduction receipt”
- You must choose “bank transfer” if you need a US tax deduction receipt
- Submit the form
- Make a bank transfer to the following US bank account.
(Again, we can only provide a tax deductible receipt if you send the money to this account!)
Grace Foundation – America (501c-3 status)
Union Bank Account number: 0051657922
Routing number: 122000496
Address: 101 Brookwood Ave. Ste 204, Santa Rosa, CA 95404
The Grace Foundation is a Fiscally Sponsored Project of Inquiring Systems, Inc. (ISI). ISI is a California Nonprofit 501(c) (3) Corporation, founded in 1978, with EIN: 94-2524840