The Tamera construction project (PIER)
enters a decisive phase
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983)
For ten years now, the Tamera community has been investing in a process called “PIER”: it is about obtaining a special permit to change the land use plan. In this way, we hope to be allowed to build in a protected landscape area in which a larger settlement is not yet permitted.
by Sabine Lichtenfels and Janos Valder, December 16 2023

Thanks to the favorable cooperation with the relevant authorities, we have the opportunity to obtain permission to build an international model settlement. At a time when the major supply systems are under threat, we see regionally integrated, self-sufficient settlements as a particularly important opportunity for peace. For this process, we are working with a team of architects, engineers and lawyers who are representing us at the local authorities. We ask for your support so that we can continue to finance this.
Please help us to master this phase of realization as well. We are expecting further expenditure of €150,000. If the establishment of healing biotopes and regionally integrated self-sufficient settlements is publicly recognized in the first places, the vision will also become more understandable and easier to realize for other groups in other places. For some years now, we have been trying to establish binding cooperation with the Portuguese population and the regional authorities. We have met with much approval, but also with bureaucratic obstacles. It is taking longer than expected to find a generally valid and approvable format for our community-oriented project in order to establish an exemplary model here on the Tamera site with its 156 hectares.
We have been planning, negotiating, envisioning, praying and working for this process for almost ten years. Now we are in a decisive phase: A successful conclusion is in sight within the next 1-2 years. This would make the next phase of building, developing and structuring Tamera possible. For the benefit of nature, the animal world, the guests, the region and for the development of a peace community that is committed to reconciliation and cooperation between all beings.
About the PIER process of Tamera
In 2009, we were ordered to stop construction due to various disagreements, which expanded into a construction embargo in 2014. In the years leading up to 2014, we found out what process we needed and wanted to enter into with the local authorities to legalize our current and future buildings.
In 2014, we reached a contractual agreement with Odemira to start what is known as the PIER process. This is an intervention plan for rural areas. Since then, a team of architects, engineers and lawyers has been working in constant communication with us and the local and higher authorities to draw up this plan.
This winter we expect to complete the first phase, which will define the basic guidelines, boundaries, roads and uses of the Tamera site for the next 15 years. This is the most decisive step in the process so far. This will be followed by detailed negotiations, which will progress much faster and could possibly be concluded as early as next year.
This is a precedent-setting case. The establishment of new rural settlements has not taken place for a very long time. If this is successful, it will open up new opportunities for other communities and projects. This also explains the “slow” progress of this process so far. For Tamera’s future development, it is of the utmost urgency that we are able to expand. For over ten years, we have not been able to take in new people, build our projects, let alone build meaningful homes for our staff and seminar participants.
The PIER includes the legalization of existing buildings and the construction of necessary new buildings and infrastructure in the following areas:
– the construction of a “free school”,
– the expansion of our guest center,
– the construction of central Tamera: residential, work and meeting buildings,
– the construction of a campsite.
To date, we have spent €105,000. This does not include our internal manpower – a team of 3 employees who have been working on this continuously since 2014.
We expect to spend a further €150,000.
Bank details:
Account holder Associação G.R.A.C.E.
Bank Caixa Crédito Agrícola S. Teotónio, 7630-611 S. Teotónio
IBAN PT50004563324023830233193
NIF 509 528 694
Land use plan of Tamera: