Online Summit: A Cry from the Future
The Summit that accompanied the release of the film “The Village of Lovers” brought together amazing thinkers. Thousands of people attended it. Here are some sessions that Tamera’s members took part in.
Uri Ayalon, February 14 2024
Love and Liberation – A conversation with radical Palestinian and Israeli peace workers / Sami Awad, Aida Shibli and Uri Ayalon
The necessity to grieve in order to be able to love & the wounds of patriarchy in men / Benjamin von Mendelssohn
The stream between water, sacred grief and healing – How to hold a vision in all changes / Sabine Lichtenfels
Tamera Now – The challenges and learnings from the transition between the generations / Martin Winiecki and Barbara Kovats
“The Village of Lovers”, the documentary film about Tamera, was received with a lot of love and enthusiasm. In the last week thousands watched it and got connected through it to the vision of Healing Biotopes. The interest in the film is so big, that it was decided to keep the film open for watching another few days, through the 18th of February, so you can still watch it if you haven’t done it.
Here are 2 quotes from the feedback that we received:
“This film moved my heart and soul. So well done, sharing a new way of being, relating, and living. I am so inspired to spread the word about this amazing documentary about one of the most successful intentional communities in the world” (Katerina Satori)
“There is so much relief in my body in seeing and witnessing what Tamera has created, and simultaneously there is immense grief and longing for more folks who are willing to maturely and devotedly step into the alchemical fires of relationship at this level, in order to serve this greater collective vision”. (Elisa Monique Spring)