“Global Revolution & the Healing of Love”
A profound journey into the inner, social and political dimensions of love and sexuality towards a regenerative and peaceful culture.
This on-demand online course allows you to explore the inner system change in community, love and sexuality, and offers an introduction to our vision of – a world in which love can naturally be free of fear. We will study why working on a holistic new model for love is not just a personal topic but a political one – how the ability to love is the fuel for a deep form of activism, and how love requires a whole new culture to blossom and endure.
Read the video transcript
Dara Silverman: While you might not live in community right now: The thing is we all come from a history of community. Something like 95% of our human life, we were embedded in the tribe.
Dara: We all also come from a history where the tribe was destroyed, and with it the way we love, and love itself was attacked. Fear came in to the way that we love and started to steer us from this big Universal Power of Love, also of sexuality, and put it into narrow vessels where possession and needing to control and own the other, became the understanding of what love is.
Dara: The Logical conclusion is that we need new social structures in order to come back to this original state of loving. The Journey of healing love shifts from the question of how can I get personal fulfillment, to the question of how can I support creating a social base where also my fulfillment will be taken care of.
Research area: Love and sexuality
Type of learning: Share knowledge
Location: Online
Language: English
Sliding scale from €50–€300
Why are we using a sliding scale?
The course is designed for individual participation. We ask couples and groups to register separately. We offer them a 25% discount – please write to us at online.education(at)tamera.org for a reduction code before booking.
To enquire about further reductions, especially for Portuguese nationals and people from the Global South, please fill out our application form and wait for our reply.
Who is the course for?
- People who want to explore pathways for a paradigm shift in love and sexuality
- Anyone unwilling to accept violence and oppression as a part of our culture
- Community builders
- Activists & peace workers
- Lovers
What you’ll learn?
- How the development of healthy communities is a necessary foundation for healing love
- How patriarchy, capitalism and fascism endure by perpetuating fear within individuals and the collective
- How fear in love, which comes up as jealousy and possession, is a historical process and part of our collective trauma
- How belief systems and interpersonal patterns within us underpin systems and dynamics on the outer
- How love and sexuality call to be anchored in the greater universal streams from which they originate
Course content
In this interactive learning adventure, we are drawing on our research experience in the following 4 units of the study material:
- Community Building: A necessary basis for healing love
- Freeing Love from Fear: A key element in system change
- Free Sexuality and Partnership: Complementary, not contradictory
- Reuniting Religion and Eros: Redefining the sacred
The study material incorporates videos of interviews from Tamera’s Global Love School, inspiring essays, interactive study assignments, assembled in an online learning platform where you can share insights and engage with fellow students. For each study unit, we are offering a compilation of the best moments of the webinar recordings of the past years.
After course support
- Free access to resources for further study
- Study platform will continue to be open indefinitely and allow you to exchange with fellow students
I am deeply grateful for all the course teachers, for their presence, joyfulness, willingness to answer all our questions with their own experiences so honestly, for giving useful guidance on cooperating with the divine world, I am staying with the idea of being anchored, open hearted and connected.
– Johanna Berger
The most challenging and important lesson for me is acknowledging the inner work and responsibility for what we attract in our lives by the awareness of our inner state and by trying to act on/from it, is the beginning of the transformation of the actual state of the human being, and that by the work of self-transformation we can contribute to share and co-create the new field of information that can be spread as a global healing energy.
– Dina Oliveira
Understanding that my own pain and negativity is not a private, personal situation. It is part of the morphogenetic field of the violent patriarchy. That understanding is giving me the courage to better face my inner negativity. I understand that it’s part of a whole and if I work through my conditioning, I can contribute to positive change on the planet.
– Francie Allen