Farewell to Friends and Comrades

In the past few weeks, we have bid farewell to three beloved members of our community. May their souls travel safely on their journeys, and may they be embraced with love. We will remember them with gratitude.

Their passing can serve as a lesson for us all: Can we learn to see others as we might when they are no longer with us – in a way that honors their highest potential, with grace for any mistakes they may have made, perhaps even understanding the reasons behind them?

By Uri Ayalon and Barbara Kovats, September 22 2024

Michael Berghoff (62), a devoted friend to our dogs and co-founder of Tamera’s dog shelter project, faced his final weeks with immense love. He invited his friends to join him at a café terrace to say goodbye “while I am still here.” He shared that in those weeks, he learned he was more loved than he had realised before his illness – a profound gift and lesson for everyone involved.

Alice Lindstedt (89), our oldest community member, lived in Tamera with her daughter, grandchild, and two great-grandchildren. She founded our textile workshop, where she expressed her love for the earth through mending clothes and creatively upcycling fabric. Her house was a home for many in the community, and her friendly, clear, and supportive spirit has always been – and continues to be – an inspiration.

Ina Voigt (64) played a pivotal role in Tamera’s journey toward food self-sufficiency. She brought her love for the region and her extensive knowledge of nutrition, both traditional and modern. Ina will live on in our memories as a political heart, caring deeply for our planet and working to make it a better place. In recent years, she left Tamera with her two children to purchase land nearby, carrying many dreams and visions with her.
