Farewell Thomas Lüdert
We mourn the passing and celebrate the life of a dear longtime community member. Thomas left his body Sunday, March 24th, 2024, after a severe illness, at the age of 68 years.
By Meike Müller & Helena Lüdert, March 30 2024

Thomas’ stone and archetype at our stone circle was “Master of Matter”, which signifies working with resistance in the matter and within, which very much expressed itself in his day-to-day life. Next to the big building sites he led (which were always accompanied by prayer and listening to the spirit of the land), he also invested a lot of energy into inner transformation and deconditioning, working towards the vision of a free erotic culture which is a founding impulse of Tamera, and which resonated deeply with his being.
With his knowledge of matter, love for action and big power of manifestation he helped create many remarkable spaces, including Tameras stone circle, the new design of the oracle spring and water retention landscapes in Tamera and the region. Looking at the beautifully full retention spaces these days – we know he left a great gift for us that will always remind us of his huge power of manifestation and heart and will be a healing impulse for the landscape for many years to come. His knowledge lives on in many people he taught, working together in the companies he held. Often one could find him on the big excavator moving a lot of matter and taking care of the infrastructure of our village.
After two marriages, political activism and work as an arborist, Thomas´ search for answers and possibilities in political and social realms led him to ZEGG, then to founding a small community (Kattenvenne) with his partner at the time, Ina, and finally to Tamera, where he was an active participant in shaping the inner and outer design of the community.
Thomas had a wide network of family, friends and lovers within and outside of Tamera, many of whom he had warm and heartfelt contact with in the last weeks of his life. His partner Christa, his daughters Meike and Helena, and some friends and community members accompanied him closely in the process of the last months and especially the last weeks of his illness, throughout which he was in full clarity and knowing of his next steps. Though he had a deep love of life, there was also an acceptance and even curiosity about what death might bring.
Thank you Thomas, for the time we shared on this planet and on this land. Thank you for the love and care you gave to Mother Earth. Thank you also for the way you left – thank you for your inner and outer search of figuring out how to overcome patriarchal structures and discover the sacred masculinity and soft power, with full dignity and deep peace. We will miss you and keep carrying your legacy.