Peace with Nature and All Fellow Beings

“As long as humans torment, torture and kill animals, we will have war.”
Bernard Shaw
Sunday morning. Today, I am in the bathtub and I notice some tiny insects on the tiles of the wall. They are very thin and maybe 3 millimeters long and they have many legs. I decide to regard them as ants. Where do they come from? What do they eat? What are they doing on this wall?
I become curious, for they are my fellow creatures in evolution, they are real living beings, and they are a part of the one existence, so they must be cosmically related to me in some way. I watch them on their Sunday walk on the vertical wall and I see how they disappear into a little hole. That is their apartment. They have actually built themselves an apartment in the plaster between the tiles. What occurred in them as they did this? Where did they get the enthusiasm and the power to be able to do something like that? Normally one sees them as pests and cleans them off.
Here, two worlds collide with each other, and one of them, the older one, has to give way. This may be fully in line with Darwin, but is it also right in a higher sense? Do we humans really have the right to destroy an element of life as if this were natural, just because it doesn’t fit into our own system of life? Is the ants’ system of life wrong – or is ours? Maybe our own system of life is not quite correctly adapted to the higher order of creation? Is there a possibility for nonviolent coexistence?
Just a few decades ago such thinking would have been characterized as absurd, but today it becomes increasingly relevant with every further consideration, and with every new experience. Maybe there is a possibility for a kind of coexistence that encompasses all living beings? We will see.
Chaos research has taught me one thing: things that collide on the existing level of order can harmonize at a higher level of order. If enmities arise within a certain system, they can transform into friendship at the level of a system of a higher order. The solution of many issues consists in finding a higher level of order.
All over the world, the agrarian production of food is connected to chemical warfare that human beings are waging against “pests.” These are innumerable small living beings, who inhabit every field and every garden, and naturally want to partake in the harvest. There are, for example, worms, caterpillars, snails, bugs, aphids, mice, moles, etc. Chemical warfare is not aligned with the sacred matrix, for here the human being is destroying other organs that belong to the whole just as we do. There is an alternative, which has proven itself effective in small model projects.
There are nonviolent gardens on Earth. They are described in the book In Harmonie mit den Naturwesen [In Harmony with the Beings of Nature] by Eike Braunroth. The principle is based on communication with the so-called pests, not on their destruction. The peace gardeners use neither pesticides nor any other methods of deterrent against the small creatures. Peace is established through an agreement between human beings and their fellow creatures.
Juergen Paulick, for example, a student of Eike Braunroth, and until his death, a co-worker at Tamera, made the following agreement, “I have planted a bed of lettuce – it belongs to all of us. I will harvest twelve heads of lettuce and you can have three.”
Sometimes he put such agreements down in writing on a piece of paper that he then placed in the garden. I can imagine a nice heading in a tabloid newspaper: “Alternative Gardener Writes Letter to Pests.” At first we may react with disbelief and shake our heads. The only thing is that it works.
We in Tamera have had contact with animals in a way that one would not have believed possible if one had not experienced it. It is based on the fact that we all – animals and human beings – are parts of the one existence and of the one consciousness. The information must be unambiguous and consistent. It must come from an authentic spirit of peace, not from reluctant concessions. In the surroundings, too, there must be no signs of violence or destruction, also not in the form of so-called complicity products, for whose production animals had to be killed.
Do snails know the number three? Probably not, but neither do they have to know it. A computer also does not have to understand what one inputs, and yet it does the right thing, because it was programmed to do so by a higher authority. We have a similar situation with the snails and the other animals. If we formulate our request clearly enough, and if it makes sense, it will be taken up by the information pattern which controls the snails and will be transmitted to the snail as a behavioral impulse. The same is true for a spider that is building its web. Does the spider know how to construct a web? The meta-intelligence, which operates in the body of the spider through the spider’s information grid, knows how, and in the circuitry of creation, that is enough.
In the case of the peace garden, horticulture is a spiritual process of information and cooperation, from beginning to end. Everything is one existence and one continuum: the garden soil, the plants, the animals, the human being and the world of the microbes are all parts of one life body. All subjects that participate in this life body are connected with each other through the right frequency in one information circuit.
This is an edited excerpt from the book: The Sacred Matrix by Dieter Duhm